We have elected to set our vision at a Human level. We think that an innovation, a service or a content generate value only if they are a source of utilitarian or emotional well-being.

Here, you will discover inventions and movements which make life more beautiful, more simple or more exciting.

Rely on metropolitan businesses to improve access to public restrooms

— Nov 8, 2016

Who hasn’t wished for better availability of public restrooms? The best alternative is still to enter a restaurant, pretend you’re a customer and slip into the restroom when the waiter or waitress isn’t looking. German cities have implemented the “Nette Toilette” (Nice Restrooms) program to solve the problem of access to public restrooms. The cities […]

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Design a bank as a place for community innovation

By Pierre Desangles
— Nov 3, 2016

Over the past few years, the banking sector has found itself at the heart of a wave of innovation thanks to fintech players who aim to dynamite the market by using technology that offers innovative banking and financial services. They often feature better service availability and easier use, as in the case of the Penny […]

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The founders