We have elected to set our vision at a Human level. We think that an innovation, a service or a content generate value only if they are a source of utilitarian or emotional well-being.

Here, you will discover inventions and movements which make life more beautiful, more simple or more exciting.

Track your Facebook activity: collect and analyze your own data

— Feb 21, 2017

Did you ever wonder how a sponsored publication manages to slip into your Facebook feed? And why certain suggestions seem to be so pertinent? Obviously, it’s because Facebook has collected and analyzed your data. But just how is collection and processing carried out? The Chrome Data Selfie browser extension shows you the operation of the […]

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Sidestep the ride-sharing intermediary with a chatbot

— Feb 9, 2017

The recent #deleteuber campaign on the social networks caused Uber’s main competitor Lyft to rise spectacularly in the app store rankings, but also called attention to a new mobility service, known as LibreTaxi. Created by Roman Pushkin, this service puts customers directly into contact with rideshare drivers. The inventor, who is from Siberia, was looking […]

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