Consume fashion differently

— Nov 22, 2016

Consume fashion differently

Need a little black dress for a special evening or a new jacket for a job interview? Nothing easier than to go to one of the major fashion brands you find everywhere. But are we fully aware of the cost of this accessibility for the planet? Although many brands today claim to have fairer and more sustainable production, no organization or association has yet preempted a message concerning the choices we make when we purchase textiles or even taken a stand on consumer education. But Maxine Bédat, the co-founder of Zady, has something to say on this topic.

Today, more that 150 billion items of clothing are produced each year. The fast-fashion industry produces throwaway wardrobes for every man, woman and child on the planet. People no longer own their clothes; they consume them. They wear an item and then quickly replace it with something new.

But, of course, behind the availability of low-cost clothing are hidden low-cost labor in the countries of Southeast Asia and the world’s second most polluting industry. Responsible for over ten percent of carbon emissions, the production located in these countries is based on a heavy consumption of very polluting raw materials such as coal. It is also a major consumer of water, which is contaminated by dumping all kinds of chemical products into it. Polyester, a fiber derived from petroleum, has replaced cotton as the most-used fiber in clothing. The carbon footprint of the textile industry swells when we add the gasoline required to export production around the world.

The Zady brand thus proposes inventing a new fashion standard and reinforcing consumer education. Individuals should consider these issues before purchasing and be aware of the impact of their behavior on this consumer-driven industry. 

We like: The higher purpose that is the very essence of the Zady clothing brand: educate consumers, reveal what the industry is based on and propose a responsible alternative.

We were inspired to ask: How can fast-fashion players invest more in a sustainable production policy by taking their inspiration from smaller players like Zady?

#ecology #fashion #pollution #sustainable


The founders