We have elected to set our vision at a Human level. We think that an innovation, a service or a content generate value only if they are a source of utilitarian or emotional well-being.

Here, you will discover inventions and movements which make life more beautiful, more simple or more exciting.

Make online purchases that agree with your values

— Nov 29, 2016

When we buy online or make daily purchases, many of us would like to have a broader choice than the one offered by the leading consumer brands. Now this is possible, thanks to the ingenious DoneGood solution. Using an extension that can be installed on Chrome, DoneGood informs you of the existence of sustainable or […]

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Push a connected button to order your everyday products

— Nov 10, 2016

What if you just had to push a button to replace a box of detergent in your cupboard when it’s empty? This is the promise made by Amazon last year, with its Amazon Dash system of connected buttons that will be available in France starting on November 15. Connected to WiFi and barely larger than […]

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