No wait, no pay at the restaurant

By Laurent Laboutiere
— Jan 12, 2017

No wait, no pay at the restaurant

It’s noon and time for lunch, but you hesitate: A sandwich? Delivery using a dedicated app? These two options means you’ll eat at your desk, but you feel a need to go out and lunch at a restaurant would really be good for you.

However, the lunch hour is usually limited and waiting at a restaurant takes too long and discourages customers who are pressed for time. Founded in 2015 by Maxime Trouche, the Hungry Up start-up wants to reinvent the restaurant experience by getting rid of waiting time (for menus, orders, cooking and the bill).

Using a pre-order and advance payment, Hungry Up smooths the lunch break for active people in a hurry who want a real meal break that’s healthy and balanced. The Hungry Up app lets users choose quickly by offering nearby restaurant menus and “signature” dishes.

For the restaurant owner, it allows anticipating and smoothing things in the kitchen, offering a new reference and highlighting specialties, adopting a pre-order and online payment system and providing customer loyalty tools and a marketing analysis of customer data.

We like: the efforts to make the customer’s restaurant experience smoother.

We were inspired by: in addition to click-and-collect and the Uber model, digital facilitation of the IRL experience, which provides freedom from the “in-store” presence of pain points (here: selection time, waiting time and payment), has become a basis for service.

#foodtech #custexp

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The founders